Today's Analysis of the War in Israel.

There is significantly more information available today from the Media and the intelligence analytical services I subscribe to on the Hamas attacks on Israel which occurred on Saturday. 

Two WaPo articles of interest, one on the involvement of Iran in supporting Hamas and a second on the "Iron Wall" that failed to even slow down the Hamas terrorists, as perhaps as many as 1500 breached it and attacked Israel.

There is also an excellent WSJ article on Israel being prepared for a high-tech war and Hamas using very low-tech in their assaults. In recent years Israel has shifted from reliance on regular IDF units for its defence to its current focus on air power and technology. And while the "Iron Dome" worked as advertised the "Iron Wall," its multiple sensors and quick reaction forces failed.

The Times of Israel has reported, in the article attached below, that the chief of Egyptian intelligence warned PM Netanyahu directly that "something big" was in the works (which the PM has since termed "fake news") Whether the Egyptian intelligence warned the PM or not, I do not doubt that there are and have been for some time many peer-to-peer contacts between the Egyptian and Israeli intelligence services and that Israel also has numerous high-level penetrations of those same Egyptian intelligence agencies, which would seem to downgrade this intelligence.

There are also two good analytical pieces from RANE: one on possible Iranian motives in backing the Hamas attack; and a second on the potential short and medium-term consequences of the current Israeli ground invasion of Gaza on the political, economic, and diplomatic positioning of the various nations/factions in the ME.

And lastly, for those of you who'd like a primer on the last hundred years of history that has led us to the current challenges the world faces in the ME, I've included a very well-done “Timeline of ME Conflicts” over the last hundred years done by USA Today.

Hamas received weapons and training from Iran, officials say

How Hamas breached Israel’s ‘Iron Wall’

Israel Was Prepared for a Different War

Egypt intelligence official says Israel ignored repeated warnings of ‘something big’

The Implications of an Israeli Ground Invasion in Gaza

Iran's Potential Motives for Backing the Hamas Attack on Israel

Timeline of conflict: Why the 2023 Israeli-Palestinian fighting is among the most brutal in years

Israel’s Worst Day at War

The Fog of War Envelopes Syria


More Coverage and Analysis on the War in Israel and Other World News


RANE, Soufan and Zeihan analysis plus several news articles