More Coverage and Analysis on the War in Israel and Other World News

As expected, there is now a Tsunami of eyewitness stories and analyses by experts on a wide variety of subjects related to the War in Israel. So much so that there is now a fog of information permeating the news space. I've been forced to select what I think are the most valuable to understand an ever-changing situation on the ground, so be patient with me if I don't cover subjects you may find more interesting.

I've included two articles on the Laws of International Warfare: the first from the NY Times, "Israel, Gaza and the Laws of War;" and the second from the Times of Israel, "Hamas actions are war crimes, could constitute genocide..."  They both make it very clear that horrific Hamas attacks on civilians, violence toward women and children, and the taking of hostages constitute "War Crimes!" However, they also make it clear that Israel may already have committed its own and will likely commit many more as the IDF surrounds the 2 million+ Palestinians in Gaza as it prepares the battle space for the most difficult and dangerous type of military operation, urban combat.

I've included three articles on intelligence failures and the Iranian connections: an analytical piece from Cipher Brief's John McLaughlin – “Why Did Israeli Intelligence Fail? History Suggests Many Causes"; Peter Bergen's excellent OpEd in CNN that considers Iran's strategic goals in the region -"Opinion: Did Hamas attacks have a hidden target"; and a NY Times piece on the intelligence Hamas had about the Israeli situation on the ground - "The Secrets Hamas Knew About Israel’s Military."

The last article today is from WaPo and focuses on a very real problem for Israeli leadership, the potential for additional attacks from other groups who may wish to take advantage of the IDF's focus on Gaza: "With all eyes on Gaza war, violence is quietly mounting in the West Bank."

Israel, Gaza and the Laws of War

Hamas actions are war crimes, could constitute genocide – international law experts

Why Did Israeli Intelligence Fail? History Suggests Many Causes.

Opinion: Did Hamas attacks have a hidden target?

The Secrets Hamas Knew About Israel’s Military

With all eyes on Gaza war, violence is quietly mounting in the West Bank


Analysis From Soufan and Peter Zeihan Below on the Hamas Attacks, as Well as Other World News.


Today's Analysis of the War in Israel.