Rusty’s Intelligence Blog

Rusty Capps Rusty Capps

How China Miscalculated Its Way to a Baby Bust

I've attached an excellent, in-depth article from the WSJ on China's population problems (which Peter Zeihan has discussed for several years in his books and Podcasts) "How China Miscalculated Its Way to a Baby Bust."

I've also attached an article from the NY Times, "The Road to 1948." This is an excellent, detailed look at the decisive moments leading to the founding of the state of Israel and the displacement of Palestinians caused by that UN action. It considers the question, "Could different, more positive, long-term solutions have been possible? The article is in the question-and-answer, interview format of a panel of historians — three Palestinians, two Israelis, and a Canadian American. It also contains numerous historical pictures of events and players, making it interesting and informative. It took me a while to edit it into a format that would allow you to read it, and I think enough of its educational value to be providing it to my students in our classes on the "Evolution of Middle Eastern Terror Groups" and " Iranian Intelligence Services and Operations."

What To Watch For As Israel Advances Into Rafah

After October 7th, Is Saudi-Israeli Normalization Just a Mirage?

Baghdad Caught in U.S.-Iran Crossfire

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Rusty Capps Rusty Capps

US Strikes in Syria and Iraq and Sinn Fein First Minister

First, we are rolling out our remodeled website over the next few days. I invite you to give it a look and make any comments you think are helpful. I want to thank all the members of our staff who have worked so long and hard on the site, especially Matt Sherrard, our terrific webmaster, and Olivia Franse, our Chief Intelligence Moderator. Matt worked on the technology side of the street, and Olivia worked on the content and the site’s new look.

As I prepare this distribution list to send off, I want to call your attention to two WaPo articles from today's paper. First, the latest on the US strikes in Syria and Iraq in response to the killing of US servicemen in Jordan by Iranian proxy militias: "
U.S. strikes in Syria and Iraq kill dozens of militants."

The second article covers a truly historic event that you may have missed in naming Michelle O’Neill as the first minister of Northern Ireland: "
Northern Ireland gets its first Sinn Féin first minister in historic shift." For those of you who have followed "the Troubles" over the decades since the late 1960s, you know what a remarkable event this is. Our company has taught a module on "The Troubles" and the counterterrorism tradecraft innovations and lessons learned in that conflict for years and I can attest to the unique nature of a Catholic first minister of Northern Ireland.

Lastly, for those of you who are interested, there is an excellent 2023 crime series called “Blue Lights” on Amazon Prime about the challenges of policing faced by the Police Services of Northern Ireland. The PSNI replaced the Royal Ulster Constabulary, the exclusive Protestant police force of Northern Ireland, following the negotiated “Good Friday Accords” that ended most of the violence of the “Troubles” in 1998.

US Naval Update Map: Feb 1, 2024

Iran-US Tensions Will Remain High, Despite Both Sides' Desire to Avoid a War

How Will the Gaza War Impact Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon's Economies?

Terrorist Target of Cultural-Heritage Sites-Soufan Group Report

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Rusty Capps Rusty Capps

Heather Cox Richardson on Abraham Lincoln

I've included the most recent offering of HCR below because it makes powerful arguments for a provision placed by our "Founding Fathers" in the Constitution and argued in The Federalist Papers for the separation of church and state, using an early speech by Abraham Lincoln (“The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions,” delivered in 1838, 22 years before he became president). The former POTUS goes on to make a second point that I have long thought correct, that no foreign power will ever conquer our country and destroy our democracy, but that our defeat can “come only from within.” Some remarkable conclusions from a self-taught, back-woods, 28-year-old Midwest lawyer. I leave it to you to decide if his words have relevance today.

I've also included a detailed INFOGRAPHIC from the Soufan Group on the Red Sea Crisis, which you may find helpful in putting that subject in perspective. Because this is so timely, I plan to send this distro list today rather than later in the week, as planned.  

Just as I was beginning to send this off the following came over the wire from CNN: "Three US troops killed in drone attack in Jordan, at least two dozen injured." Another example of the dangerous, escilating violence in the Middle East.

Heather Cox Richardson - Abraham Lincoln Speech

Soufan Group - Red Sea Crisis - Infographic

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Rusty Capps Rusty Capps

Larger Than Usual Number of Articles

Along with the usual fare from RANE and Soufan, I've collated a larger-than-usual number of articles over the past few days that I thought may be of interest.

This first article is an excellent overview of the situation in the Middle East and how close things are to a general conflict. Some say that the war has already begun, but I thought, if you wanted a "Cliff Notes" version of that situation, you might find this CNN article of interest.

The Us and Iran Are Dangerously Close to Confrontation in the Middle East. Here’s Where They Both Operate.

I've also included an informative article from WaPo on some causes political psychologists are finding for the increasing political polarization of our country: "Science is revealing why American politics are so intensely polarized.

Also included:

Growing Farmer Protests Add to the EU's Political Woes

Iran Demonstrates Strength to Keep Adversaries at Bay

The 7 Keys to Longevity

While Iran’s Recent Strikes Show Weakness, Its Threat of Escalation Is Working

Why Iran Is Sending Drones to the Sudanese Armed Forces

Despite the Terrorism Designation, the Houthis Remain Undeterred

Violence Amplifies in Ukraine and Russia, Even as Battle Lines Remain Static

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