Zeihan and Soufan analysis and two additional articles

Hello All,

Got back from Europe on Monday but have been a bit ill, due to water I drank by mistake on Friday at our hotel in Munich. I'll have a special issue of the distribution list with pictures of the trip and a narrative, hopefully over the weekend. The trip was extraordinary!!!

As for this rather longish distro list, lots to get out. Several of you hoped I'd not work the distro list while on vacation. But I did, a little. I saved some of the most interesting articles and they are attached. First, our colleague Col. Forest Rittgers sent along a detailed update on the war in Ukraine, the Russian S-400 Surface to Air Missle system,  and how the Ukrainians have been able to exploit weaknesses in it. The data on the S-400 is below and the detailed update on the war is attached. Many thanks, sir, for sending this along.

And lastly, I've included 2 articles from History.com that may be of interest on Benedict Arnold and Bleeding Kansas.



Europe's Energy Prospects Ahead of the Winter Heating Season

How Bleeding Kansas Led to the Civil War

Russian S-400 Surface-to-Air Missile System

Why Did Benedict Arnold Betray America?


Our Normandy Diary


Rane, Soufan, Zeihan Analysis Plus Several News Articles